
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I promise!

This photo means exactly what it says:

No, it is not the only clean shirt he had today.
No, we weren't so desperate to clothe Caleb that we got whatever shirt we could find.
No, it's not Sam trying to point out that he's the oldest brother in his family.
No, Caleb doesn't have a little brother.

But yes, Sam and I are so proud of our little Squirt and all he has learned to do that we decided to promote him to
Big Brother

around the 21st of December.

All the reactions we have gotten have been funny...for some reason none of the younger siblings seemed to get it till it was pointed out to them. And even then, it still took Ben another 5 hours and someone else explaining it for him to get it. LOL!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A story of Daffodils

Once upon a time there was a school bus driver named Cyam. One day at the end of his Friday afternoon route he saw some beautiful daffodils growing in a ditch. After he dropped all the kids off at their houses he went back and picked the daffodils and hurried home to give them to his wife. She was very thrilled to have flowers at her house and gave Cyam lots of hugs and kisses. And they lived happily ever after. The End.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

18 month photo shoot

Took two days, 3 adults, 1 frisbee and lots of photoshopping - but we managed to get Squirt's 18 month photos taken. Here are the photos from his perspective:

Hmmm - are you really sure you want to see all these pictures? There are a lot. But they're pretty cute.

This is my Calvin (and Hobbs) face

A typical Squirt face

I'm surprised you made it this far

Ok I'm bored - let's go play somewhere.

Ok, Mom. I'll smile for Brandilyn...but I'll slouch against the wall since you're STILL making me get pictures taken

I'm really done getting pictures taken

Ok - here's a smile. See? I smiled.

Hmmm - maybe I'll go play somewhere else

Yay for playing!

And after 2 days worth of shooting - you might get pictures I might smile just a little...against the one backdrop Mom doesn't really like.

And then I'll try out the three small stairs nearby and face plant - into the door - resulting in tears, bumps, tears, scrapes, screaming, tears, and an inconsolable little squirt.

And then Dad might just show me the motorcycle

And I won't even think about liking it until he honks the horn.

And then I'll have to try it. And the tears will stop for a moment.

Then we'll all take a trip to Grandma's house to decompress and forget about everything for a while.

Then Mom will spend a few hours photoshopping to get a picture she really likes.

But it is a pretty good picture, don't you think?


During his 18 month photo shoot - I got this gem of a photo - that looks like Squirt is following in the footsteps of our favorite fashion blogger - Brandilyn.

She posed just like him for pictures today - and I love it! Her blog post about it is pretty funny too. And she's pretty funny too - and she's one of my best friends. We visit her in her store a lot. She's pretty awesome.

More of the 18 month photos to come.

PS - I'm not going to start taking pictures of Squirt's outfits every day. I don't plan on turning him into a baby fashion blogger any time soon.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Star Wars Day

May the 4th be with you.....ha ha ha!

Yeah - I know it's kind of an old joke - but for some reason it makes me laugh every single year. Enjoy the video. It's a tribute to John Williams - who is an amazing composer. He even got to be the Grand Marshal of the 2004 Rose Bowl Parade - the New Year's Day parade Cyam and I (and the rest of the Idaho All-Star Band) marched in.

and no - I'm not saying anything about potatoes...cause even though it's been years I'd rather not be remembered as the band who had chants about potatoes... You can blame it all on Dr. Wells. It was his idea - not ours.

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Scrapbook Pages

Walking with Grandma

Kit used: Sunday Morning by Sprouting Seeds Studio

Mother and Daughter

Kit used: Mom's Day by Sprouting Seeds Studio

Winter Barbecue

Kit used: Sampler Kit 5 by Sprouting Seeds Studio

A weekend with an 18 month old

Friday afternoon: After Dad came home we went on a walk to the library. When we got almost home, at the top of our 44 stairs, Squirt wet all over himself and the stairs. After some investigating we realized he managed to get his own diaper off...while wearing overalls. And the overalls weren't even un-snapped at all.

Saturday morning: Just as Dad was getting ready to head out the door to go to scouts Squirt threw up all over - including all over the blankets I was wrapped up in. Sam ended up staying home from scouts - so I didn't join in - but I was tempted.

Sunday evening at Grandma and Grandpa's house: Squirt was eating an orange - then choked - and turned blue. Dad flipped him over and pounded him hard. And Squirt spit out the orange. And cried and cried. It was a bit scary for all of us though I think Squirt recovered the quickest.

Monday morning: Squirt had a major diaper blow out that necessitated a bath for him and clean sheets for his bed. He didn't seem to mind me using the shower head to rinse him off nearly as much as he used to.

I think that's enough adventures for a while, don't you? Perhaps this is just welcome to being the mom of an 18 month old. And yet everyone keeps asking if it's easier to not be house sitting any more. I suppose in some ways it is - but in other's just more crazy. I suppose that's life - right?