
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Crazy day

Today has been a crazy day. I started off the morning with little sleep and some well meaning good morning hugs that left me with a fat lip. I was determined to make this day better. But Emmett didn't want his usual 10 am nap. After lunch we tried again and he managed to fall out the bottom of his crib. Yes - out of the bottom - not climbing over the top. Yesterday he was playing with a screw and I'm noticing now where it is supposed to go on the crib. I guess falling is a bit extreme - he was in the process of falling and stuck between the mattress and the bars of his crib. Luckily head up. The hole has been totally stripped so there's not much I can do about that just now. So I stuck a tiny screwdriver into the hole to keep him from falling out again. Emmett slept only a little while then woke Caleb up (he hasn't been sleeping well lately either) and was extremely cranky (pretty sure he's getting molars).

12:30 and the entire afternoon stretched out before us. And Sam had the car today. And he is working late and  won't be home till well after bedtime. And the paperwork that takes 2 weeks for us to get our house hadn't even been submitted by this morning. And we're supposed to move by May 1st.

I suppose it was just one of those days - despite my best efforts to turn it around.

And then I tried to get Emmett down for another nap - only he was suddenly panicked and screaming and when I went to get him he was behind the crib. The screw was missing on the other side of the crib - and he'd managed to get down there and stuck behind some boxes under his crib. So much for a decent nap for this little guy today.

And the afternoon stretched on - and on - and on....

Then I got an amazing phone call telling me that my application for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep had been approved - weeks ago (day after I re-applied in fact) - with high marks! I should have already received an email and hard copy letter  - neither of which I have seen - but that's just a technicality! I'm so excited! Made the whole crazy day feel worth it - even if Emmett has taken his climbing to new heights.

Oh, did you think falling out of the crib would scare him enough to stop him? Oh no - he fell from the TV table since then - and is constantly attempting new heights.

But at least there was a bright point in the day! Not to mention Caleb loves watching American Idol - he calls it The Concert Movie - and last night's show was pretty impressive if I do say so myself. And we have been talking about Narnia for three days straight. I really thought the movie would be too scary for him and I was totally wrong. He LOVES it! He loves the big battle. He loves all the talking animals (He thinks Mr. Tumnus is a monkey. Then yesterday he told Sam that I told him Mr. Tumnus was a farm but, "Mommy's silly! It's a monkey." Today he pulled out a scripture picture book that has a picture of Christ on the cross and then the next picture is Christ resurrected. He opened to that page and said, "Look Mom! I learned about this! And Jesus died and then he was alive again. Just like Aslan!" Seriously - a 3 year old made that connection???? He's going to be a great missionary - and he's already praying (sometimes multiple times a day) that he can get his mission call and go on a mission.

It is a good thing there are bright spots in our days. It makes all the hard times not seem quite so hard - if even only for a moment.