Mom says it's my turn to update again. She's still getting my pictures edited - but she did get them taken.
Mom says I am a rolly polly boy. I love rolling all over and I can scoot and turn myself and get almost anywhere I want. Sometimes I forget that I can move so well and I think I am stuck. I'd rather just sit up - now that I finally figured out what Mom has been trying to get me to do. I still have to have someone help me sit up - I'm pretty tipsy - but I'm working hard to learn to sit up. Sometimes I even sit up in the swing.
I've been pretty sick on and off the past few weeks. Sometimes I really like the breathing treatment thing and sometimes I cry the whole time. Mom says she's sorry - but that we have to do it even when I don't like it. When I don't feel well I don't really like being put down - I just want Mom to hold me. Last night I just wanted her to hold me all night. I finally let her put me in the car seat so she could sleep a little too. I was up at 12:30, 2 and then again at 3 last night. The night before I got up at 2:30 and coughed so hard I threw up all over. It sure does make me tired during the day when I am up so much at night.
I got my first hair cut on the 15th. Mom says it hardly counts as a hair cut because she only trimmed a few really long hairs. I was not impressed that I had to hold somewhat still. Mom says I better get used to it.
Mom says I am too big and too wiggly to be in the baby bath tub any more. Caleb loves it that I get to take a bath in the big tub. He always comes in to help Mom give me a bath.
I am not a fan of the heat. I get kind of cranky when it's too hot. Sometimes Mom just let's me go without clothes. It makes me so much happier.
I love to be outside. I like to be in the shade and look up at the sky. Mostly I just like Caleb to come and play with me. Caleb is my best friend. He always comes and lays down next to me. Sometimes he helps me roll over. Did you know he is the funniest big brother in the whole world? He does funny things and starts laughing and that makes me laugh and then we just laugh that we are both laughing. Sometimes he comes in and wakes me up from naps. I don't mind much and we both get the giggles.
I am starting to recognize more and more people. On Sunday I watched Grandma walk past us at church and I followed her till I couldn't see her any more. I have also recently decided I love it when Dad is home. I love it when he talks to me and plays with me. I often will only let him put me in the swing. If mom tries I just cry and cry - unless she doesn't turn the swing on. Sometimes I like to just sit.
Everything goes in my mouth these days. Mom is hoping my teeth come in soon - but they don't seem like they're going to. Mom says I've been teething for months - I just don't have anything to show for it.
I guess that's about it. Time for a nap to catch up on the sleep I've missed this past week - first with teething then with being sick. I haven't slept through the night for several weeks.
This is a picture of me and Mom on Mother's Day