Thursday, August 23, 2012


Because funny things are funnier when they are shared with someone else...

Caleb: "A bonk and den a splat and a crash. Caleb all gone. Hafta get a new Caleb." (all hypothetical)

Caleb: "I just talk to a frog."
Me: "Was it a real frog or a pretend frog?"
Caleb: "No it's a green frog. I say, 'guess what?' to da frog."
Me: "You said 'guess what?' to the frog? What did the frog say?"
Caleb: "Frog say 'what?'"
Me: "And then what did you say?"
Caleb: (huge sigh) "Nuffing."

(After the boys smashed heads)
Me: "Oops - did you and Emmett get bonks?" 
Caleb: "Nope we got a trick."

Caleb in watching Sam shave "Daddy, who are you?" I guess the shaving cream disguised Sam. ha ha ha!

Caleb: "I gotta question for Caleb....Caleb? Caleb! I don't any questions. I don't have a frog."

Caleb brandishing a fly swatter - "I'n makin waffles for you!"

(He got dressed all by himself - after taking his jammies and underwear off)

Caleb: "I'n gonna go to da tiny Borolims (Broulims)' get a job. Akuna Tata (Hakuna Matata) no worries for rest of all of days. An' a meerkat make a tiny splash."

A song: "Dinosaur's eatinnnnn da carrrrrrrr!" Then he says, "I'n not crazy - I'n singin!"

Caleb told us he was going to do a concert and stood up on the chair and sang "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and then proceeded to march on the chair. I asked him if he was doing a marching concert and he said no, that he was stomping on the concert. Then he picked it up and threw it off the chair and then he said "I gotta get a new, red concert." 

Seriously - this kid plays "concert" every day. Also he loves to play "playin' a tuba" and "marching band" Perhaps we have warped this kid. But he's just so dang cute! And hey - if he wants to love music - I'm all for it!

And since Caleb is such a funny guy it makes sense that he has a funny baby brother too.

 These are all things I've posted on facebook in the last month alone. And these are just the ones I've posted. This kid makes me laugh so much! Love my buddy boy!

Friday, August 17, 2012

August Updates

Possibly has another ear infection? Seriously? He won't sleep more than an hour at a time during the day. Last night he was up at 8:30, 10:30, 1:00, 5:30....Same thing he does when he gets an ear infection. Strangely enough he doesn't have a fever - again. Poor baby boy.*

He's getting very good at climbing on things - and getting stuck - and eating real food (he LOVES watermelon)
Loves living in a new house. We hear airplanes fly over often - we are at the end of the Ogden run way and not far from Hill Air Force Base. We get to see lots of cool planes.

Visiting Dad's office was great fun! Caleb loves to type.

 Loves being the big brother - as usual. I don't know if Emmett knows yet how lucky he is to have such an attentive big brother.

Both boys have been loving playing with empty boxes and making forts:

Loving the new job. He has his own office - which is pretty bare for now - but we're working on that. 

There was a bomb threat for their building last Friday (the 10th). So they got evacuated. It doesn't sound like this is a normal thing. He is also getting used to having his own phone - a smart phone at that - a new thing for us!

Rode the bus to work for the first time last week - because the car was dead. I'm not totally sure what happened but there were two belts under the car. Thank heavens for USAA roadside assistance!!! They take good care of us. And we've used them enough this year alone to pay for the service for years to come.

Happy to have finally gotten rid of most of the earwigs here - not so happy to find a black widow spider outside the front door the other day. Also not so happy to realize the spider hiding in the light fixture was alive. Caleb found it - I told him it couldn't get us. He told me Daddy would save us later. When I told Sam about it later he tapped the fixture and the spider moved! Pretty sure that one was a hobo. I so do not do big spiders!

The house is mostly in order. There's even enough space in the living room for a couch now! 

And of course - some new scrapbook pages.

Emmett 5 months

  Grandma's Garden

Another page for the book for Grandma and Grandpa - only 2 pages left!!! It's about time too - since I misplaced all this info last summer when we moved.

Another page for the Smith Family book - and this layout got nominated for layout of the week! You can see the picture HERE

Don't you just love the folded corner? I just learned how to do that. I can't believe how easy it is! Seriously! I should have learned this a long, long time ago. HERE'S a tutorial if you're interested in learning this technique.

I guess that's about it for now. We got a new bank account set up but can't get anything out of it for a week. And that's for all the money we put in in the next month. Sometimes moving is a big pain. Oh well - we're getting settled and as long as we can get Emmett to sleep I think we'll be fine!

*Trying Maleluca essential oil for Emmett's ears today - he's been asleep an hour and a half!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Baby does the blogging - 8 months old

Mom said since she already got my pictures done I should stop procrastinating and update the blog.

I now weigh 17.5 pounds. I'm staring to move up into 9 month size clothes. I got another hair cut this month. My first tooth came in July 10th and the second came in July 21. I sure love having some teeth. Now I get to eat a lot more things. This month I've tried watermelon, root beer floats, rice, cheerios, and anything I can find on the floor. The other day I was going to try a dead earwig but Mom wouldn't let me. I've tried lots of paper and tape lately. I've also tried boxes, books, and everything else I can get in my mouth.

I've been pretty sick the last couple weeks. I had an ear infection just before we moved. More than a week later Mom took me to the urgent care again because I was miserable again. They said my ear infection hadn't gotten better so they gave me a different kind of medicine. All that week I got up no less than 3 times a night. I had a couple good night and then last night I was up at least 4 times. Mom's guessing it's teeth but she's really hoping that I'm not getting another ear infection.

I love bath time. From the moment Mom lets me stand up next to the tub and starts the water I get so excited and holler and try to climb in. Mom says I should be more careful because I am pretty top heavy and I might tumble head first into the tub. I love splashing and playing in the water. I often find myself getting my face in the water but that only stops me for a second. I could play in the water all day.

This month I really figured out how to crawl really quickly (and not so much on my head). The next day I figured out how to pull myself up to standing. Now I stand every chance I get. I'm getting so good I can even let go while I'm standing up! At least, I think I can. Usually I fall over but that doesn't deter me at all - I just do it all over again a few minutes later. Consequently I have lots of bumps and bruises on my face. I do scoot on my head when someone chases me. I love to play chase. Caleb taught me how to crawl under the crib and now that's our favorite place to play.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Digital Scrapbook Things

1 - I love being part of the Creative Team for Dandelion Dust Designs. It gives me a chance to get lots of pretty kits for free and gives me a specific reason for making pages. I do at least 4 a month - sometimes more like 8. If anyone else is interested in doing something like this, let me know. I can put you in touch with several designers.

2 - THIS is the new website where the kits I use are sold. It just started in May...I think. But look at this: Click on the LINK and then just above the images there is a tab for most recent, most popular and random. Click on most popular and you'll see one of my pages! I'm really excited. It's one of my favorite pages.

3 - Here are a couple new pages. Because I have at least 4 required pages a month I've been pulling out older pictures and getting somewhat caught up - though I still have a long ways to go till I am totally caught up. Probably I never will be. There will always be new scrapbook pages to make!

Family Pictures 2012

August Desktop Calendar

Family Pictures 2011

This last one is from a new free kit - Strawberry Lemonade. It's so pretty! HERE'S a link for anyone interested.

Friday, August 3, 2012


Number of days since we moved: 9
Number of neighbors we've met: 6
Number of days we've actually been at the new place: 1.5
Number of times Emmett has been to the doctor's office in the past two weeks for ear infections: 2
Number of prescriptions for Emmett: 2
Number of pharmacies we tried to fill the 2nd prescription at: 4 (3 weren't open 24 hours - it was 8 pm)
Number of hikers: 2 (Sam and his dad)
Number of days Sam has been gone: 7
Number of days till we get to see Sam: 1 or 2
Number of days we've stayed with my parents: 7
Number of phone chargers we brought down here: 0
Number of times the car has died in the past week: 3 (usually recharging the battery works - my dad is out fixing the serpentine belt just now - hopefully it will fix the dying car problem)
Number of times Emmett has been up each night in the past week: 3-6 (that's per night - last night he only got up twice!!!)
Number of Japanese students staying at my parents house: 1
Number of trips to Provo: 3
Number of trips to Walmart: 5
Number of family reunions we missed due to Emmett's secondary ear infection: 2
Number of Scrapbook pages I haven't posted yet: 5

 Mesa Falls

Caleb 10 Months

Emmett 4 months

Emmett 7 months